Labels Love
1. Comfort on difficult days
Labels Love
- Jika seseorang hadir dalam hidup kamu dan menjadi sebahagian daripada kamu, tetapi atas sebab tertentu dia terpaksa pergi,jangan terlalu sedih .. terimalah kenyataan itu dan sekurang2nya dia pernah membahagiakan kamu.
Ulasan: Masa akan menentukan segalanya, jika dia ditakdirkan bersama anda, dia akan kembali.
- Jangan jadi terlalu baik, saya akan merindui kamu.Jangan terlalu mengambil berat, saya mungkin menyukai kamu. Jangan jadi terlalu 'sweet',saya mungkin jatuh hati kepada kamu. Amat sukar untuk saya menyayangi kamu jika kamu tidak mahu membalasnya.
Ulasan: seseorang yang membuat kamu jatuh hati kepadanya sebenarnya menyayangi kamu lebih daripada kamu menyayangi dia.
- Anda mengetahui yg anda merindui seseorang apabila jantung anda berdegup pantas ketika teringatkan dia. Dan walaupun sekadar "Hai" daripada dia mencukupi sebagai penenang.
Ulasan: anda mungkin menaruh hati kepadanya, anda tidak menyedarinya ataupun anda tidak mahu menerimanya sebagai kenyataan.
- Penyesalan terbesar dalam hidup ialah risiko yang kita tidak ambil. Jika anda merasakan sesuatu itu akan membuatkan anda bahagia, maka teruskan. Ingatlah bahawa kita akan melalui semua ini hanya sekali, mungkin tiada lagi peluang kedua.
Ulasan: Masa tidak menunggu kita. Jika anda rasakan anda telah bertemu dengan orang yg sesuai, maka hargailah dia, jangan biarkan dia berlalu begitu sahaja. Jangan bertangguh kerana takut. Cubalah dahulu atau anda akan menyesal kerana membiarkan ia berlalu begitu sahaja. Tiada sesiapapun yang tahu apakah yang membuatkan anda benar2 bahagia.
- Lawaknya bila kita meletakkan standard untuk orang yg bakal kita sayangi, tetapi jauh di sudut hati, kita tahu yang orang yg kita sayangi itu terkecuali daripada standard itu. (don't be too choosy!)
Ulasan: kita amat kritikal terutamanya kepada orang yg kita sukai atau sayangi kerana kita mahukan yang terbaik untuk diri kita. Tetapi sebenarnya kesempurnaan dan hubungan terbaik dapat dicapai dengan berusaha bersama. Ia bukanlah terletak kepada satu individu sahaja
- Adalah lebih baik untuk berani mencintai walaupun akhirnya anda kecewa daripada tidak mahu mencintai kerana takutkan risiko atau cabaran yang bakal mendatang.
Ulasan: Jangan berputus asa apabila terdapat saingan dalam percintaan. Adalah lebih baik untuk anda mencubanya terlebih dahulu; kerana jika anda berjaya, kemenangannya itu teramat manis. Tetapi, jika anda tidak mahu/berani mencubanya,anda mungkin akan kehilangan orang yang anda sayang/cintai selamanya.
- Jangan sesekali mengkhianati perasaan hati anda kerana akibatnya, hanya anda yang akan sengsara; bukan orang lain. Salah satu cabaran paling sukar dalam hidup ialah mencari orang yang tahu segala kelemahan dan kekurangan diri anda, tetapi dia masih sangup menyayangi anda dengan sepenuh hatinya.
Ulasan: Cinta itu adalah berasaskan tolak ansur dan pengorbanan. jika dia tahu kelemahan dan kekurangan anda dan masih sanggup bersama anda dan lebih menyayangi anda, maka andalah orang yang paling bertuah! Dia layak mendapat cinta anda.
Labels Love
I wear the mask that grins and lies. It hides my cheeks and shades my eyes..This debt I pay to human guile and with torn and bleeding heart i smile and mouth with myriad subtleties. Why should the world be over-wise in counting all my tears and sighs? Nay, let them only see me, while I wear the mask. I smile, but I cries inside. I sing but the clay is vile, beneath my feet and long the mile. But let the world dream otherwise, I wear the mask. I'm not crying over what he said, it's what circumstance that hurts the most. I am strong girl who keeps her stuff in line.even when i have tears going down my face, i always manage to say I'm fine.. My one regret in life is that i am not someone else.. All the love I am sending, the memories I won't sell. I know there must be an ending to the story I will tell.. I dream only of his love and happiness in life. I try not to think of him but when i close my eyes, I see him and then tears in my eyes..I love him enough to fight for him, compromise for him and sacrifice myself for him if need be. Enough to miss him incredibly when we're apart, no matter what length of time it's for and regardless of the distance. Enough to believe in our relationship, to stand by it through the worst of times and to never give up on us. Enough to spend the rest of my life with him, be there for him when need or want me, and never, ever want to leave him or live without him..Staring at my feet, losing myself in this daydream of sadness, waiting my arms around, giving a sign that I need help. But it seems that no one wants to see me. Standing there acting like a moron, being lost in sadness, catching my tears with my daydream......
Labels What is Love
Labels What is Love
Labels Fwen Rulez
Assalamualaikum.. :)
Ape kene mengena kedai chantek dalam blog aku nih? Sebenarnya macam ni ceritanya. Kul 6 petang, Kiki lepak kat bilik aku and kitorang tengok movie. Lebih kurang dalam pukul 9 perut aku nih mula menyanyikan lagu Beyonce plak. So, aku ajak la Kiki pergi makan. Pada mulanya kami plan nak pergi makan kat Kafe Kapas tu jer, tapi tutup plak. Terpaksa la pegi makan kat Gadong. Al-kisahnya, aku ni tak suka makan kat kedai makan yang nama Mama Corner sebab da la servis die lambat, pastu makanan kotor plak tu. So kitorang pegi kedai makan sebelah yang kami namakan kedai chantek.Haha..So, ni lah point penting nasib malang kami kat kedai chantek yang aku nak listkan sebenarnyer.. :
1. Meja banyak kosong, tapi tak bersih and pinggan-pinggan kotor tak di clear. Sedangkan customer pun tak ramai sebenarnye time tuh.
2. Kitorg terpaksa jugak duduk kat meja yang belum di clear. Sedang menunggu meja tu dibersihkan, tetiba Kiki menjerit course kaki dia diserang oleh semut2 jantan kat bawah meja tempat kami landing tuh. Rupa-rupanya sarang semut kat bawah tuh.Haha
3. Bila kami tukar ke meja sebelah, sedang aku duduk termenung, ternampak pulak seekor binatang yang paling aku takut melintas depan aku iaitu lipas..Waaaa....Aku pun sepantas kilat bangun dan lari dari meja tuh coz sememangnyer aku takut dan teramat bencikan lipas.
4. Setelah menunggu beberapa ketika dan pekerja2 kedai makan tu masih belum bersihkan meja tempat kami duduk, aku terpaksa memanggil pakcik tua yang tengah mengemas pinggan tuh untuk bersihkan meja tmpat kami duduk.
5. Pakcik yang bersihkan meja kami tertumpahkan pulak sos kat lantai sampai sos tu terpercik kat tudung yang aku pakai ngan kat kepala kiki. Adoyai.....
6. Abang yang nak amik order kami sampai.Aku cuma order milo panas and Kiki nak horlick suam tapi abang tu cakap horlick Kiki order jer milo suam.
7. Memang dari kolej lagi aku teringin nak makan nasi goreng daging merah.Tapi bile aku order, abang tu cakap takde. Aku pun order la nasi goreng tomyam. Pun takde jugak.Hurm...Memang frust sangat2 la. Pekerja tu kata banyak barang dah abis. :(
aku pun cuma order nasi goreng kampung jer la. And kiki order nasi goreng ayam.
8. Bila makanan kiki dah sampai, pekerja tu cakap nasi goreng kampung pun takde..Aikk??Cam maner tuh? And last2 aku tanye dia apa yang ada? Lalu dia pun jawab nasi goreng cili padi..Terima jerla, dah tu rezeki aku untuk ari ni kan.. moral of the story, kalo nak gi makan, jangan la gi time kedai hampir2 nak tutup dah. Ni kat dungun. Bukannya kat k.l, kedai makan bukak sampai pagi..huhu..
Sekian untuk ari ini..
Labels Kedai Chantek
When I am quiet,millions of things are running in my mind.
When I am not arguing,I am thinking deeply.
When I looks at u with eyes full of questions,I am wondering how long you will be around.
When I answers "i'm fine" after a few seconds,I am not at all fine.
When I stares at you,I am wondering why you are lying.
When i lays on your chest,I am wishing for you to be mine forever.
When I call you everyday,I am seeking for your attention.
When I sms u everyday,I wants you to reply at least once.
When I says I love you,I meant it.
When I say that I can't live without you,I've made up my mind that you are my future.
When I says "i miss you",No one in this world can miss you more than me...........
Labels About Me
Malam ni emosi aku agak terganggu dengan sikap kawan2 aku kat sini, UITM DUNGUN nih. Firstly aku nak tanya ngan korang semua apa sebenarnya yang dimaksudkan dengan kawan atau sahabat, atau teman, atau friends atau yang sama waktu dengannya nih? (friends?haha..tulis pown dah tak betul da nih.)Ngah marah nih!!!! Okey..Control dulu marah jap. Kang tak siap lak ape yang aku nak tulis kang. Sebenarnya kan, aku dah penat sangat jaga ati dan perasaan orang sampaikan perasaan aku and ati aku sendiri pown tak terjaga. Aku rasa selama ni aku sanjung kawan-kawan aku, aku jaga ati dorang, walau macam mana susah pun dorang aku tetap akan cuba tolong. Perhatian : aku bukan nak mengungkit, tapi nak meluahkan apa yang aku rasa. Aku sedih sangat dengan sikap manusia bergelar KAWAN-KAWAN kat sini. Aku pun tak tau macam mana nak describe diorang sebenarnya. Ntah la. Memang aku tak faham sangat-sangat. Aku betul-betul rindukan kawan-kawan aku masa kat UiTM JENGKA. Kami macam adik-beradik.susah senang kami harung sama-sama. Masa tu happy sangat. Memang zaman sekarang terlalu susah untuk kita jumpa dengan manusia yang betul-betul bergelar SAHABAT Kadang-kadang terfikir dah penat jadi orang baik. Tapi aku tau tak sepatutnya aku berfikiran negatif macam tu. Aku dah cuba jadi kawan yang terbaik untuk dorang. Mungkin ada silap aku pada dorang yang aku sendiri tak perasan. Tapi ntahla. Mungkin korang kugak sama macam aku, pantang bila di tipu kan. Macam tu jugak la aku. Apa perasaan korang bila sahabat yang korang dah anggap macam adik-beradik sendiri tipu korang? Mesti bengang tahap cipan kan??Haha.. Ngah marah, buleh plak gelak. Nape aku nih?? tapi takperla. Just want to thanks to KIKI coz buleh sekepala ngan aku. And lebih memahami berbanding sahabat yang aku dah anggap macam adik beradik aku sendiri.
What ever it is, aku ade something nak korang baca dan fahamkan..
p/s : takde kene mngena pun dengan apa yang aku tulis sebenarnya..huhu..
Ari ni kitorg g karaoke coz nak release tension. Memang best sangat2.. sampai 30lagu lebih gakla kitorang bantai. and yang paling gilo skali aku ngan kiki la. memang giler abis.balik kolej da nak dekat kul 11. sampaikan ibu call pown aku da tal larat nak bercakap coz penat sangat. Mana la tak nyer, bukan karaoke jer, abis box tu kitorang gegarkan skali..muahahaha...Tapi sib baik ibu paham yang anak dier nih memang gilo karaoke sket. best sangat2 la. thanks to you guys (kiki, sal, atin, faiz) coz make my day happy.. Hope sebelum cuti sem nanti kite dapat amik 50-60 lagu lak ea.Ngee..tak sabo....
Labels Best Damn Moment
Have you ever fallen in love, but knew they did not care?? Have you ever felt like crying, but knew you'd get no where?? Have you ever watched them walk away..not wanting them to go and whispered 'I LOVE YOU' softly...Not wanting them to know?? You cried all night in a misery and almost went insane. There's nothing in this world that causes so much pain.. If i Could choose between love and death, I think I'd rather die. Love is fun, but it's hurts too much and the price you pay is high. So I say, don't fall in love, you'll be hurt before it's through...Why do you love someone who doesn't love you in return?? Why do you cry over someone who didn't hurt you?? Why do you always think abaout him, if he never thought about him? Why do you always wait for him, if he never waited for you?? Why do you see him, but he doesn't see you??
˩ʋяʌɛ Ɩƨ Ƨʋcκ!!!
Labels Damn Thing
For all of you, i am a daughter, a sister, a grand-daughter, a niece, a cousin, a friend. I am a partner, a student, a young girl, and a grown woman. I am confident and scared terrified and excited. I am loving and caring, and thoughtful, and hopeful. I am sick and tired. I am shy and friendly, and careful and careless. I am broken and whole. I am misunderstood, misguided, and mislead. I am hardworking and determined, but a little scared on the inside. I wish on stars and dream my dreams. I pray to God and cry my tears. I smile on the outside, while I'm dying on the inside. I listen to others who won't listen to me. I walk on eggshells, and I walk on fire. I believe in passion but not true love. I am everything and nothing all at once. All i want is for you to LOVE ME!!!
Labels About Me
Ya Allah! Kurniakan aku cinta insan yang mencintaiMU. Ya Allah! Seandainya telah Engkau catatkan dia milikku, tercipta untukku, satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku. Titipkanlah kebahagiaan antara kami agar kemesraan itu abadi. Tetapi Ya Allah, seandainya telah Engkau takdirkan dia bukan milikku, bawalah dia jauh dari pandanganku. Luputkanlah dia dari ingatanku dan peliharalah aku dari kekecewaan. Sesungguhnya apa yang Engkau telah takdirkan adalah yang terbaik untukku. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mengetahui segala yang erbaik buat hambaMu ini.. Amin...
Labels Ya Ilahi
love was a knife over our heads
not nong when it would end
the knife fell and our love bleed
he said he had to go
my heart was like a pit
dark and empty with no end
cupids arrows did not hit
love was lost, dead
the night was quiet, not a peep
i lay there wishing for his arms
my heart was his to keep
he broke it and he left
my heart is broken, sweept away with the wind
i dont no if i can serviv another day
i thought he loved me with no end
and now i have a broken heart
Tetiba lak aku rase nak menulis poem nih...Tak tau la kenapa.. Maybe sebab aku teringatkan seseorang kowt..But, what ever it is, layannnnn
Labels Poems
Aku ngah bosan sebenarnye nie..ngah tak saba nak tunggu petang coz petang nih aku ngan member-member aku nak pergi karaoke..yuhuu..kami nak release tension cket coz pagi tadi dah lepas paper kedua kami iaitu CTU265..huhu..tak salah kan sekali sekali nak enjoy..
Labels About Me
Nyana Ayla
- Very ambitious. (Of Course)
- Brave and daring attitude. (Sumtime)
- Devoted lover. (Yup)
- Sensitive nature. (Totally True)
- You get jealous easily. (100% True)
- You also get angry very easily. (It's Me)
- You are proud of your achievements. (Not Really)
- Attention seeker. (Maybe)
- Very generous. (Haha..No Comment)
- Easy going. (Sumtime)
- Strong character. (Maybe)
- Born to be successful. (Of Course)
- Observant. (I don't Know)
- Creative bent of mind. (Not really)
- Caring and loving. (Haha..Suda semestinyer)
- Faithful friend. (Yup)
Labels About Me
Kau dibuai mimpi dia jaga
kau bersenang dia bekerja
untukmu tiada terbatas
memberi tak minta dibalas
Ingin dibinanya untukmu
kehidupan yang sempurna
punya kekuatan jiwa
punyai maruah
Leterannya dari rasa luhur
menegur sebelum terlanjur
itulah yang diwarisi
pesan ibu terpahat dihati
Beringat-ingatlah berpesan-pesan
untuk kebaikan
marah bukan kebencian
tapi tanda sayang
Engkau semakin dewasa
berjiwa merdeka
sedang dia semakin tua
membilang usia
Disaat kau berjaya
dia tiada berdaya
semoga kau tak lupa
jasa bonda...
Ibu, maafkan kak long kerana tak mampu untuk menjadi anak yang terbaik untuk ibu. Kak long takkan lupakan segala jasa-jasa ibu kepada kami adik beradik sejak dari kecil sampai bila-bila. Maafkan segala kesalahan kak long kepada ibu. Ibu memang seorang ibu terbaik dalam dunia ni. Ampunkan segala dosa-dosa kak long..Kak Long sayang sangat kat ibu ngan abah......
Natrah Che Daud
Zahurin Ismail
(abah telah meninggal dunia pada 8 Mei 2008 kerana menghidapi penyakit miliary tuberculosis)
Jasamu tetap kukenang...
I luv u so much Ibu & Abah...
Labels Jasa Ibu
My Strengh:
- Analytical
- Observant
- Helpful
- Reliable
- Precise
My Weakness :
- Skeptical
- Fussy
- Inflexible
- Cold
- Interfering
I'm fully able to put my intelligence to use and get things done for myselves. It is possible however that my narrow mindedness causes my creativity to suffer and I may lead regular routine lives.I may dwell too much on the past and over complicate things and this may limit my ability to move forward and confuse myselves. In conclusion, I'm able to be independent but the less evolved types will have difficult if someone is not there helping me to achieve more and not be so critical of myselves.
People look up to me for friends because I am straight thinkers and solve problems logically. I am truthful, loyal and determined. Some people might find me cold or emotionally detached because I live in my minds, not in my emotions and feelings. It might be hard to pin down how am I feeling because I easily live in denial. A person who is able to read deep into another person will notice when I am not well but if I confront them about it, I'm would rather retreat then talk about it. It is best to keep your emotional distance from me unless I open up to you first. I might try to analyze and control a friend's life but only with the idea that I will improve my life, not purely for the sake of controlling. Be patient with me and understand that my recommendations are only to make your life better.
I am very intelligent, I have an excellent memory and a highly analytical mind. This makes me good investigators and researchers. I'm also have the ability to probe into a person's emotions and I can often see into people and detect what their motives are. This makes me great policemen or interrogators. I am very good at problem solving, this is what I do my best. I am confronted with a problem, I will pick apart the pieces and put it together in the proper order. I am rational thinkers and are good at settling other people's disputes and putting them on the right track for reconciliation. Any position that requires the above features, which is a very long list, is perfect for me. I keep the world in order. :)
Before I plunges into anything, from a problem to a vacation idea, I need to analyze all the facts and know all the details before I plunge in and make a decision. This makes me seem indecisive and slow. My perception is my reality, more so then other astrology signs. What I believe is what will be, if I have a negative outlook on life, things will present myselves to be negative and I will be very moody and isolated/detached. If I were positive, the same events that occur will be held in a positive light and I will be a pleasant, well adjusted person. My mind is a very powerful mind and I must have the proper attitude for my life to be happy and successful. I needs to get in touch with my feelings, this is why I usually seem cold or detached. I am very prone of living in denial. I will say the feel okay or everything is alright even when it's not. This is an easy way out, the one thing that I does not like to analyze is my feelings so pretending everything is okay is a good defense mechanism for not having to take a closer look at my feelings. I had an unpredictable and sometimes unstable temperament.
Deep Inside:
I need to be organized in my mind, sometimes all my energy is taken from organizing my mind that I have a difficult time organizing my surroundings. I'm easily look too deep into an issue and over analyze what I'm percept. I am ambitious and strives to always know more and have more. This is in my eternal quest to bring order to chaos. Even if order is obtained from an outsiders' point of view, I will not be settled for I have a very active mind that is always thinking and can never be silenced. I want to be of use, I need to be important and essential to everyone in my lives and in everything I do. My major life lesson is to learn to trust in and have faith in the unknown. I have to understand that things in life happen for a reason that is not always known to me, I do not have to always know everything. I need to learn to calm down and not over-analyze a situation or event. Deep inside, I am very sensitive and I need to be appreciated for all the things I do. When I am offended or hurt, I may never show it.
In a Nutshell:
I'm exists in the mind, everything is inside. To the world, I presents a calm and collected exterior but on the inside, nervous uncontrolled intensity in the mind, trying to figure things out, how to improve everything, analyzing and thinking. I can tire myself out without even moving! I have a constant drive to improve and perfect, this can lead to extreme pickiness and finickiest. I am pure, my motives are honest never malicious and I want to accomplish something... :)
So, to who are know everything about me, can asses it on your own either it is true or not.. [AyLa]
Labels About Me
I AM WORTHLESS!!I am not worthy of having anyone... I am not wanted by anything or anyone. I am alone. People treat me like shit! People take what they want from me and go.. "Sorry, I gotta go", "Sorry, I gotta go meet someone" but it al boils down to the foot that people are leaving, and not returning. So, I sit here alone. Alone I sit once again. One single stray emotion, on this lonely night, opens the floods gates as this tital wave of pleeding fears flow from these orbs. Incritable silence rings off this solitary walls. The gentle whisper of tears hitting the floor beneath me is the only sound, except for the ringing of your voice in my head which is my only comfort and my biggest fear... Watching all the happy moments abandon me like every human has done no one wants me in their life. They don't care about me. I am not wanted. I am not needed. I am used... I am lied to... and I am hated... Most of all, I am alone...
I AM UGLY!! I am not pretty. I am not happy... I am cruel... I am lost and cold... Forsaken by all man. I am a piece of worthless shit!! No one wants or need to be with or around me in their life for I don't provide enough. I am not a good friend.. I am not a good person.. And I am not a good girlfriend.. I would not be a good wife.. I am a moron.. I am a child.. I am lost and tired.. I am drained and I am abandoned.. I am not anyone's dream, fantasy, life, or lover.. I would not make a good friend.. I AM A BURDEN!!!
Labels About Me
Hari ni dah 9 Oktober.. Rasa macam baru beberapa minggu aku dalam semester 3 di UiTM Dungun terengganu. Tak lama lagi final exam. memang sekarang musim sibuk dengan macam-macam tugas yang perlu diselesaikan sebagai seorang student. kena submit assignment, test, kuiz, dan macam-macam lagi la. masa ni la masing-masing ada yang kelam kabut coz wat keje last minit. Sampai ada yang sakit-sakit la, and ada yang bergaduh sesama sendiri.Macam-macam kerenah student sekarang. :) Bagi aku, persiapan untuk final exam masih belum cukup sepenuhnya lebih-lebih lagi dalam subjek akaun. kadang-kadang sampai nak menangis pun ada bila aku ngah study akaun tu.aku memang dari dulu tak berapa nak minat sangat hal-hal kira mengira ni. tapi nak buat macam mana.Terpaksa jugakla study subjek tu.Minggu depan kena jadi S.O.D (Supervisor of the Day). Nasib baik aku ditugaskan bersama dengan Dila, classmate aku. Kalau tak tension jugak dengan hal assignment lg, pastu nak kena buat report untuk s.o.d plak lagi. Ibu selalu ingatkan aku supaya tekun belajar, jangan cepat berputus asa dengan apa yang berlaku, tabahkan hati menghadapi ujian Allah semasa masih belajar, coz ini semua akan mengajar aku menjadi lebih matang sebelum masuk ke alam pekerjaan.
Masalah aku sekarang cuma satu.Panas baran aku ni. Aku sendiri pun tak tau la macam mana nak buang sikap tu. Bila ada je perkara yang tak menjadi, aku cepat jer bengang. Kadang-kadang best friend aku yang jadi mangsa. Tapi nasib baik la dia boleh faham perangai aku ni. Kesian kau Atin..hehe..Tapi walau macam mana pun aku akan tetap berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk final nanti and takkan menghampakan harapan ibu dan family yang lain. Lagipun 2 lagi adik aku pun study kat UiTM perak dan UiTM penang. Itu menjadikan aku semangat untuk mengatasi diorang..hehe..
Labels My Study
Funny when things never change even when you say they will, but while your off s(rewing her my life is standing still. You tell me that you love me. When I go to leave you tell me I'm your only one and I let myself believe. I know that you are using me but you'll never let me go. I know that you don't love me and I know I'm just for show, dear. I don't know if I can stand to see you love another girl. You know that you broke my heart and you know that your my world but while your standing by my side I'll believe your lies forever cause everything seems so perfect when we are together..
Labels Stupid Thing
Andainya dapat ku putar
Akan ku ubah segala yang terjadi
Keterlanjuran dan kealpaan
Membuat ku terlupa pada sebuah nilai harga diri
Namun semua itu mustahil bagiku
Aku tak berdaya mengubah masa lalu
Kini aku hanya mampu
Menginsafi yang telah berlaku
Membiarkan kenangan itu berlalu
Menjadikannya pengajaran
Buat dirimu jua diriku
Agar tidak berulang kisah lalu
Setiap liku kehidupan yang ku lalui
Ku panjatkan sejuta keampunan Ilahi
Semoga keinsafan ini terus kekal abadi
Hingga ke akhir hayatku nanti
Labels Memory
Manusia, jauh melebihi segala ciptaan lain, perlu sentiasa berubah, diperbaharui, dibentuk kembali dan di ampuni. Jadi, jangan pernah kecilkan seseorang dari hati kita. Apabila kita sudah melakukan semua itu, ingatlah sentiasa. Jika suatu ketika kita memerlukan pertolongan, akan sentiasa ada tangan terhulur. Dan dengan bertambahnya usia kita, kita akan semakin mensyukuri telah diberi dua tangan, satu untuk menolong diri kita sendiri, dan satu lagi untuk menolong orang lain.. :)
Labels Word for Us
• Kita suka bila dipercayai,
Tetapi kenapa kita tidak suka mempercayai orang lain?
• Kita suka bila kita disanjungi,
Tetapi kenapa kita tidak suka menyanjungi orang lain?
• Kita tidak suka dicaci,
Tetapi kenapa kita suka mencaci orang lain?
• Kita tidak suka dikhianati,
Tetapi kenapa kita suka mengkhianati orang lain?
• Kita tidak suka dizalimi,
Tetapi kenapa kita suka menzalimi orang lain?
• Kita tidak suka dibenci,
Tetapi kenapa kita suka membenci orang lain?
• Kita tidak suka disakiti,
Tetapi kenapa kita suka menyakiti orang lain?
• Kita tidak suka dipersalahkan,
Tetapi kenapa kita suka menyalahkan orang lain?
• Kita tidak suka dikritik,
Tetapi kenapa kita suka mengkritik orang lain?
• Kita tidak suka hak kita dirampas,
Tetapi kenapa kita suka merampas hak orang lain?
• Kalau kita ingin dihormati,
Kita juga mesti belajar menghormati orang lain
• Kalau kita ingin dihargai,
Kita juga mesti belajar menghargai orang lain
• Kalau kita ingin difahami,
Kita juga mesti belajar memahami orang lain
• Kalau kita ingin dikasihi,
Kita juga mesti belajar mengasihi orang lain
• Kalau kita ingin disayangi,
Kita juga mesti menyayangi orang lain.
Kenapa kita begini? Ketuklah hati… perbaiki peribadi…
Labels Word for Us
Thank you for simply being there. On the cloud days, on the sunny days. Thank you for sharing your joy’s and pain with me. For showing me that I’m so special. That my contribution count through our friendship. I have grown as a person and I hope you have too. Thank you, just for you. Thank you for simply being my friend. For the special memories we share together now. For the never ending support you always give me, friend. I will always love you, I can’t tell you how much that you mean to me. I pray for our everlasting friendship. Never ever say goodbye to yesterday. Cause yesterday was so special and wonderful and I hope tomorrow will be better. Thank you for everything. Thank you just for you…
Labels Fwen Rulez
The bullies who chased me… you strengthened my resolve . the haters who said I’d fail.. I am still here. Those who fell to the earth thinking they were the only star above. The night sky is ablaze with lights. My old man.. yeah.. this is for the one who not only gave me his name, but more.. I’ve felt your hand on my shoulders each day and it has guided me. This is for all those who believed. For eighteen weeks, I have toiled outside of society, on a fixed and lonely path. Now, I have come full circle , back to where I started. Here .. this place.. yeah.. life is like that. As I sit on the edge, on the threshold, what I’ve learned is that this journey is not a straight line. And the plates on each side of me, they support me. They hold me in place, like bookends around the story that is my life. . and the next chapter is about to unfold…
Labels Damn Thing
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